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Personalising Drinking Products – A Strategic Move for Success at BeerEx Exhibition

10th October 2024

The BeerEx Exhibition allows companies in the beverage industry to make an impact on a targeted market. It is a perfect way for people to showcase a new product launch or expose their range to new customers. Some of these may be individuals, but some could be wholesalers or other important figures in the industry.

Among the beverage industry trends that we’re seeing more commonly is product personalisation. This is a way for companies to provide unique packaging solutions that appeal to customers and provide something a little bit different.

Craft beer marketing is often creative, and it needs to be. At BeerEx there are always many brands, so how can a company make their products stand out? Personalisation is still rare enough that it can make the difference between somebody leaving a product and taking a more detailed look (and a taste!)

The Power of Personalisation

Personalisation is not a new concept when it comes to some products, but in drinks, it is relatively new. 

Customers tend to feel a lot more connected to brands with personalised products, and this can also have the added bonus of people sharing the products. Remember Coca-Cola’s “Find Your Name” campaign? People were encouraged to find their names among the bottles and this led to a lot of shared posts on social media – #shareacoke was a global trend.

BrewDog has also recently announced personalised cans, and people will be able to upload their artwork and get this printed on their BrewDog beer. This is just one way that the consumer gets their hands on something they feel connected to. It is also extremely shareable, just like the Find Your Name campaign by Coca-Cola, there are likely to be many social media posts as people show off their personalised cans.

The Role of Personalisation in Beverage Branding

Logistically, there was a time when changing the packaging for items would have been incredibly difficult. Now, Dura-ID Solutions can help support manufacturers by providing high-quality labels and a printer allowing personalisation even on short-runs and at a smaller scale. We can facilitate customers being able to tweak packaging on the spot in a quick and efficient way, gaining more attention in the process by creating bespoke packaging that gets people talking.

Personalisation doesn’t have to mean names, either. Research has shown that up to 71% of people expect some level of personalisation, but this can simply mean being provided with numerous choices to reflect different personalities and preferences. 

Dura-ID Solutions has a long track record of providing personalised options that will make a product stand out, even in a scenario where there is lots of competition for the audience’s attention.

The Future of Beverage Marketing

This is an industry where people don’t mind paying more if they get a better quality product. Four in five customers would pay more for a quality cask ale

There are over 1800 small breweries in the UK now, and the rise in smaller, craft breweries (plus distillers and vineyards) shows that this is a discerning market. People want to build connections with brand engagement going far beyond just consuming the products, and this can include personalised packaging and labelling. Craft beer marketing is often clever and you only have to look at some of the BrewDog packaging and its inventive design to see this. Historically, Guinness has also been a brand known for this customer engagement, with a range of merchandise sometimes worn by those who aren’t even into the drink!

The extra effort of these breweries and brands to connect on a personal level builds customer loyalty, and all the while provides shareable moments on social media. If somebody receives a delivery of their favourite beer or is given some as a gift, it may not be shared online. If it is personalised with a visual appeal, then they may take to Instagram or other social media to show it off.

Maximising Exposure at BeerEx

BeerEx is a fantastic way for people to find new companies and new brews. However, it is an industry where a lot of people are offering similar products in similar packaging. This should never be an afterthought.

Custom labels plus interactive experiences (sometimes offered using QR codes printed on the items) may be a way for people to stand out from the crowd and differentiate their products from their competitors. Packaging can even make the difference between failure and success in some industries.

Are you ready to take your packaging to the next level and try to stand out in a very crowded marketplace? Visit the Dura-ID Solutions stand 120 at BeerEx and learn about the huge range of packaging and labelling options, and how simple it can be to offer professional packaging and create clever, customisable experiences for customers (and get people talking in the process!)

Contact Dura-ID Solutions on 0114 242 2111 or for further information.